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Helping Your Little Ones Embrace the Big Move: A Guide to Thriving Through Relocation

As a seasoned relocation management company, we appreciate the impact a significant move can have on every member of the family. While adults typically confront the logistical aspects, we recognise that children face an emotional journey of their own. Today, we delve into how to assist your children in coping with a major move. Our tried-and-true strategies, coupled with the support our company offers, can make the transition smoother and less stressful for your young ones.

Moving home is undeniably one of life’s major milestones. Statistics reveal that an average person in the UK is likely to move home about five to six times in their lifetime, and the figures aren’t vastly dissimilar across the globe. That’s a considerable amount of upheaval, especially for children who thrive on routine and familiarity.

A study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology shows that children who move frequently can experience stress, difficulty forming long-term relationships, and poorer performance in school. As parents, it is our responsibility to help them navigate these challenges. Here’s how:

Open Up the Communication Channels

Firstly, the importance of communication cannot be overstated. Discuss the move with your children as early as possible. Explain the reasons, be it for a job, better lifestyle, or closer proximity to family. Let them express their feelings โ€“ anger, sadness, or excitement โ€“ and reassure them that their feelings are perfectly valid.

Involvement Equals Empowerment

Children need to feel involved in the moving process to better understand and accept it. Include them in age-appropriate decisions like choosing new furnishings or selecting which toys to take along. Involvement gives them a sense of control, reducing the potential for anxiety.

Creating a Memory Lane

Moving away from a familiar environment means leaving behind cherished memories. Help your children cope by creating a keepsake box of mementos. This could include photographs, school awards, or even a small piece of wallpaper from their room. This tangible connection to their old home can provide a source of comfort.

Familiarising with the New

Fear of the unknown often fuels children’s anxiety about moving. Once you know where you’ll be relocating to, help them familiarise with the new surroundings. Virtual tours, maps, and photos can all be helpful tools. If feasible, visit the new place beforehand, pointing out attractions like the local park, school, or ice cream shop.

Establishing Routine Quickly

Post-move, try to establish a routine as quickly as possible. Routine provides comfort and helps children feel more secure in their new surroundings. Prioritise unpacking their rooms, and continue familiar activities like bedtime stories or Friday movie nights.

How Can We Help?

Here at Relocate MENA, our expert team understands the intricacies of moving, especially when children are involved. From providing age-specific relocation guides to arranging familiarisation tours of your new home, our services are tailored to reduce the disruption caused by a major move.

Helping children cope with a big move requires thoughtful preparation, open communication, and a dash of creativity. In applying these approaches, we can transform the process from an overwhelming upheaval into an adventure of discovery and growth. And remember, even the longest journey begins with a single step.ย 

So, take that step, secure in the knowledge that we, as your reliable relocation partner, are here to support every stride of your journey. Remember, we’re not just moving boxes; we’re relocating your cherished memories and treasured emotions.

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