Efficient Visa and Immigration Assistance

Services for your and your family...

Moving to or visiting a new country usually involves aย visa application. Handling visa and immigration services can be complicated and time-consuming for an individual.

Our team of experts is well-versed in the regulations and procedures required to obtain visas and immigration clearance. We love dealing with immigration offices on your behalf.

What does our service include?

As standard, our service in comprehensive. From start to finish – we’ve got your needs covered.

Whether you’re visiting on holiday, or moving for work – obtaining the correct visa is a vital process.

Frequently Asked Questions

RelocateMENA offers comprehensive visa and immigration services for individuals and companies relocating to or within the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. These services include visa application and renewal, immigration document preparation, legal translations, and advice on local regulations and requirements. Their experts also provide guidance on work permits, residence permits, and other necessary documentation for a successful relocation.

Our team of experts can guide you through the entire visa application process. They can help determine the appropriate type of visa for your needs, assist with gathering the necessary documents, and complete the application forms. Additionally, they can provide legal translations, handle any correspondence with relevant authorities, and track the progress of your application to ensure a smooth and timely approval.

Yes, RelocateMENA caters to both individual and corporate clients. They can help individuals and families with their visa and immigration needs during relocation. For corporate clients, they can assist with work permits, employment visas, and immigration compliance for employees, making the process more manageable and efficient for companies of all sizes.

Our specialist team stays up-to-date with the latest immigration laws and regulations in the MENA region and beyond. Their team of experts is knowledgeable about the requirements and processes in each country, ensuring that all documentation and applications are prepared accurately and in compliance with local rules. This helps minimise the risk of delays, rejections, or penalties due to non-compliance.

The processing time for a visa application varies depending on the destination country, the type of visa, and the complexity of the case. RelocateMENA works diligently to expedite the process by ensuring that all documents are accurately prepared and submitted promptly. However, the ultimate processing time is determined by the relevant government authorities. RelocateMENA will provide an estimated timeline for your specific situation and keep you updated on the progress of your application throughout the process.

Types of Visa

Visas are official documents that allow foreign nationals to enter a country for specific purposes, such as tourism, work, study, or business.

Tourist Visa

A tourist visa is the most common type of visa that allows individuals to travel to a foreign country for leisure or vacation purposes. This type of visa usually has a validity period of up to 90 days and can be single or multiple entries. A single entry visa only permits a person to enter the country once while a multiple entry visa permits a person to enter and leave the country multiple times within the validity period.

Student Visa

A student visa is issued to individuals who intend to study in a foreign country. This type of visa usually has a longer validity period than a tourist visa and requires the individual to enrol in an academic program in the foreign country. The individual must also prove that they have sufficient funds to cover their tuition fees and living expenses while studying abroad.

Work Visa

A work visa is issued to individuals who are employed by a company or organisation in a foreign country. This type of visa usually has a validity period of up to two years and requires the individual to have a job offer from the company or organisation in the foreign country. The individual must also have the necessary qualifications and experience to perform the job.

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Business Visa

A business visa is issued to individuals who intend to travel to a foreign country for business purposes. This type of visa usually has a shorter validity period than a tourist visa and requires the individual to have a business invitation from a company or organisation in the foreign country. The individual must also prove that they have sufficient funds to cover their business expenses while in the foreign country.

Transit Visa

A transit visa is issued to individuals who are traveling through a foreign country to their final destination. This type of visa usually has a validity period of up to 72 hours and requires the individual to have a confirmed ticket for their onward journey.

Medical Visa

A medical visa is issued to individuals who are traveling to a foreign country for medical treatment. This type of visa usually has a longer validity period than a tourist visa and requires the individual to have a letter from a recognised medical institution in the foreign country.

Family Visa

A family visa is issued to individuals who are traveling to a foreign country to visit their family members who are residents or citizens of that country. This type of visa usually has a validity period of up to 90 days and requires the individual to provide proof of their relationship with the family member.

Why use Relocate MENA for Visa and Immigration Support?

Our dedicated team understands all of the processes involved in successfully applying for a visa, from inception to completion. You can rely on us to work closely with the relevantย immigration office to ensure your visa is processed in the least possible time.